F*** Steve Harrington

Look at this smug prick. Of all the twists and turns that Stranger Things has to offer, the redemption of Steve Harrington has to be the most buck fucking wild. Much like Nancy’s Barb Initiative, Steve’s season two arc has less to do with the actual text of the series, and more to do with…

Run Bladder 2049

SPOILERS AHEAD                            SPOILERS AHEAD                      SPOILERS AHEAD It’s a confusing experience to have mixed feelings about one of your favorite movies of all time. The “mix” in “mixed reviews” generally refers to a…

Movies Malama Wants to Make Vol. 2: Nick Fury Gets His Shine

I wanna pitch y’all something, and I want you to share and spam Disney with this until they make it. First, a disclaimer: I stopped watching Agents of Shield after finishing episode 2 of the first season. Sorry. So I’m not at all aware of the creative choices made by the staff of that show nor am…

Get Out: From Command to Warning

An Analysis of Jordan Peele’s 2017 film Get Out.  By Malama Sokoni. Part One: Spoilers Ahead… Parallel to its applications as a means of entertainment and visual artistic expression runs what is perhaps horror’s most valued function. Horror takes what we fear most, we being the common, and traps us in a room with it. It’s…

Stay Tuned: Our Many Morbid Fascinations

Think back to the last time you watched a series to its end; whether you tagged along as the program aired or binged every second once it was made available. Reflect, if you will, on the episodes, the scenes, the moments that really shocked you. The instances in which you felt the distinctive rush of…

Luke Cage (Spoiler-Free)

I’m not about to beat around the bush with this one. Luke Cage is important. The direction is tight, the stunt work is exceptional, and the performances are fantastic. These are the things that make shows great, but Luke Cage isn’t just great. It’s important. This Cheo Hodari Coker-created Netflix series takes us to Harlem,…

Pulp Fiction: Right Place, Wrong Time

SPOILER ALERT FOR PULP FICTION…PLEASE WATCH IT THO. From start to finish, Quentin Tarantino’s tale of Big Kahuna happenstance thrills, chills, and inspires. Pulp Fiction doesn’t just bend genre, it transcends it. Somewhere in the perfect storm of happy accidents that comprised its production rests an experience so important to the history of cinema, we struggle to this…

Change or Die: The Game of Thrones Story

I cannot even express to you how many spoilers lie ahead. I mean I haven’t really gotten into the thick of this piece yet, and I don’t generally outline these, so as I’m writing this intro I can’t really be sure what I will or won’t spoil in the paragraphs to come. Just to be…

The Driver (Among Other Things)

This one had a profound effect on me. I watched it a couple of years after it came out, and as the opening credits sequence commenced I remember feeling a strange sense of wonder. It played like a presentation of all the things I didn’t realize I wanted to see in a movie. I was stunned,…

Captain-Man and the Big Big Fight

No Spoilers. I pinky swear. So I finally took the time to watch Captain America: Civil War, arguably one of the year’s most anticipated movies, and now’s the part where I say some things about it. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the subject of this particular Captain America story, allow me to…